Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Abbi's new doodle

At the pub with Abbi aswell so here's a preview of her doodle :)

Marcus's new doodle

I'm with Marcus at the pub & he has just done a doodle on my iphone for the blog background! here's a preview, I'll put it on tomorrow :)


In the queue for the pub, super!

Add a doodle

K, I've been having friends draw up some doodles to go on here.. basically, if you want a doodle up here, email me: terry@maddgear.com with your doodle & I'll try find some space for it :)

Off out

For the first time today I'm going to actually go out.. & it's 6:44pm! to the pub!


I'm gonna update my background doodles throughout time :)

Random photo of the day

My nice cut up hand with my fading MGP wristband :p

First blog post!

Ok, thought i'd put a picture up for my first blog post haha :p

I'm sitting in my room, when it's real sunny outside & i should be riding! need motivation.

Sunday, 1 May 2011


If you would like to contact me, even if it's just for a chat or you'd like to ask a question..

email me: terry@maddgear.com
